Now this is a story all about how my life got twist-turned upside-down and I'd like to take a minute to just sit right there and tell you howibecametheprinceofatowncalled "Bel'air" *Music*
IIIIIIIn West Philidalphea (born and raised) in the playgrouuund is where Im spendin' most of mah days.
disnglsnd*nonsensical Gibberish* Shootin' Some B-bal outside the school. When a couple a' guys, who were up to no good, started makin' trouble in mah neighbahood! I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said: "Yo movin' wit' yah aunty and uncle in Bal'ai"
I went for a cab and when it came near the liscence plate said: "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror! If anything I can say this cab was *SDNFSDK* but I thought "Nah' Forget it, YO HOME TAH BEL'AIR!"
*Music* I...Pulled....uptothehousearound7or8 and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes smell yah' latah! "
I looked at mah' kingdom and I was finally theh' so I could sit at my throne as the prince of Bel'air.